Next Tools

Empower your corporate innovation journey with our cutting-edge software solutions. Take a preview of the NextLab experience to unlock a world of possibilities.

Worth It?

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8 Drills

Worth it? is a powerful software innovation tool designed for evaluating the comprehensive worth of proposed Innovation Opportunities. Tailored to assess investments across various dimensions such as economic, personal, and reputational, this tool prioritizes forms of capital crucial to the success of your innovation. With a structured approach, "Worth it?" helps you identify and rank assumptions, providing a clear understanding of the multifaceted worth of your project.

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Pain Hypo Generation

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5 Drills

The Pain Hypo Generation tool is a comprehensive set of exercises designed to help teams deeply understand the pain points and challenges faced by their constituents or target customers. By systematically exploring the root causes, consequences, and emotional impacts of these problems, teams can develop well-substantiated pain hypotheses to guide their solutions and interventions. The tool takes a structured approach, guiding participants through a series of drills that build upon each other, ultimately culminating in the formulation of compelling pain hypotheses tailored to specific constituent groups.

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Coming soon!

Multiple Drills

Go through a series of drills to see if your innovation opportunity is wanted, you will be able to validate if the solution you're developing is genuinely wanted or needed by the target audience or market by: Identification of the target audience's desire or need for the solution. Clarification of presumptions, assumptions, and knowledge about the solution's demand. Prioritized focus on the most critical aspects that indicate the solution's desirability.

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Coming soon!

Multiple drills

Go through a series of drills to see if your innovation opportunity is doable, assessing the feasibility of a solution within your organization and market, considering various aspects like technical capability, political alignment, and more. Get a clear understanding of the feasibility of the proposed solution. Identify presumptions, assumptions, and knowledge that underline the solution's doability. Actions to validate or challenge these factors to enhance confidence in the solution's execution.

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